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Aquest projecte vol capturar l’interès del lector i seduir-lo amb històries de pescadors, anècdotes, imatges, i a l’hora donar valor a un patrimoni del barri i la ciutat que està desapareixent. A més, representa una oportunitat per transmetre els valors d’aquest ofici antic, del coneixement heretat de generació en generació que ha anat actualitzant-se als nous temps. Volem convidar al lector a viure com és el dia a dia dels pescadors, i ajudar a comprendre el seu món, que escolten, coneixen i respecten.


This project wants to capture the reader's interest and seduce him with stories of fishermen, anecdotes, images, and aims at giving value to a fishing heritage of the Barceloneta neighborhood and the city that is disappearing. In addition, it represents  an opportunity to transmit the values of this ancient trade, from knowledge inherited from generation to generation that has been updated to the new times. We want to invite the reader to live the day-to-day life of fishermen, and apreciate their understanding of their world, that know and respect.




Latest fishermen of the “Barceloneta”: a world that resists

“ Stories of fishermen, anecdotes and images, to value an urban heritage that resists. Images that show the daily life of fishermen and try to show their relationship with their world, the sea, that they listen and respect…”

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